Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Country Brewery test model complete

I've finished my white-paper test model of the Country Brewery.

Here's the cleaned-up, polished, colorized version that I'll use when writing up the assembly instructions. I'll be able to highlight specific parts using this graphic.

And an actual photo of the test model, with a couple of 28mm-30mm scale miniatures to give you an idea of the size. You'll notice that the footprint (the ground piece) is a little different on the upper image. I decided to move the whole model back 1" from the front gate, giving a little room for a walkway in front of the fence. No big deal, but that's why I use cleaned-up graphics rather than photos: it lets me make even more revisions to the model kit.

With the test model finished, I can start working on the textures. I've been gathering a lot of new texture sources for grounds, walls, roofs, wood piles and other stuff. One of my goals this year is to create a bunch of new textures, and while I haven't exactly retired all of my old stuff, I'm trying to avoid using textures that have been used over and over.

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